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يمارس مشغلو راديو الهواة الشرقيين اتصالات الأخطاء Jun 14, 2023

The Eastern Shore Amateur Radio Club will participate in a national emergency communications preparedness exercise on June 24-25.  The exercise, known as Field Day, involves setting up and operating emergency radio or bugout radio communications using amateur walkie talkie to communicate with similar operations throughout the country.

The club will conduct its 2023 Field Day operations at the Accomack County Emergency Operations Center, 28598 Beacon Road, Melfa (near the airport).

Operations will include digital messaging, as well as voice and Morse Code communications. The Eastern Shore club members will demonstrate the “magic” of ham radio by contacting hams across the country while using wire antennas, vhf two-way radios and emergency power.

The public is invited to come and see modern amateur radio technology in action and learn about this exciting hobby.  Club members will be available to answer questions, provide literature, and help visitors get on the air.  Best visiting times are 12 – 4 p.m. Saturday.  We will have a special station, just for unlicensed people who would like to “get on the air.”

Field Day is sponsored by ARRL, the national association for amateur radio, and has been an annual event since 1933.  This year’s operations are expected to involve more than 40,000 ham radio operators from across North America.

Often using only emergency power, ham operators construct and operate emergency stations in parks, shopping malls, schools, and backyards around the country. Their slogan, “When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works,” is demonstrated by hams who can send messages in many forms without the use of phone systems, Internet, or any other infrastructure that can be compromised in a crisis. The event combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills.

راديو الهواة الحديث هو هواية سريعة النمو ، ويوجد الآن أكثر من 750.000 مشغل مرخص في الولايات المتحدة ، وأكثر من 2.5 مليون في جميع أنحاء العالم. من خلال برنامج خدمات الطوارئ راديو الهواة ARRL ، يوفر المتطوعون اتصالات الطوارئ لآلاف من وكالات الاستجابة للطوارئ الحكومية والمحلية وخدمات الاتصالات غير الطارئة لمجموعة واسعة من المنظمات المجتمعية والمدنية ، وكل ذلك بدون تكلفة للجمهور.

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